Again and again, surveys are identifying email marketing as the single most significant advertising media for marketers today. And your competitors are paying attention. As a result, you can't afford not to utilize email marketing in your communications and traffic campaigns.

The key to email marketing will be your ability to write a responsive email promotion. That will take practice so, start developing some selling emails, and as you gain experience, expand your efforts.

Start with identifying sources of good email lists. Often this will mean that you will need to compile your own using addresses of existing customers or prospects whose email addresses you have received by going through your own email or you have captured from visitors to your web site. Later, you may even want to rent or trade lists with other sources.

Decide what is it that you will be offering via email$%: Free brochures$%: A demonstration$%: A free trial$%: A discounted purchase$%: What$%: You are going to need to be able to make a very specific offer in your email. You're going to "tease" people with it in the subject line and you're going to spell it out in detail in the body of your email. Play with different offer approaches and you'll find which ones perform better. Make sure that your visitors have to "click-through" to get to an information page or ordering page on your web site. Traffic to that page will be one way you measure the results of your email promotion!

Finally, create the email in HTML (if it uses images, they have to be available on a public server so that they don't show up as attachments -- people don't like opening email with attachments that they don't expect!).

When you're ready, it's a good idea to use a commercial email distribution service. There are hundreds to choose from but , and are good ones to choose from.

Email marketing is going to be an important sales method for the future, so start practicing your email skills today!

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